The Dutch Neurofederation is a network that represents and facilitates Dutch neuroscience at the national, European and global level. »»»

The Dutch Neurofederation is a member of the
Federation of European Neuroscience Societies.
NENS: The Network of European Neuroscience Schools »»»

Dutch Neuroscience Meeting :: DNM 25 • 19-20 June 2025. Proposals submission for plenary speakers and parallel sessions is open »»
Our contribution to the 2021 Brain Awareness Week »»»
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Job market
Utrecht, UMCU
Job description
The objectives of this project are to identify and target neurons that are enriched in genetic signals associated with eating disorders. To this end you will utilize a combination of experimental techniques, ranging from identifying the cells using bioinformatics and scRNAseq, to targeting these neurons for chemogenetic control.
Deadline: 01/08/2021
Only the very last announcement is shown above. For a full listing, please see the Agenda »»»